Spring 2024 Community Meeting & Social - Saturday, May 25th at noon
Signed in as:
Dues and donations are the only source of revenue for Gregg Neck Park for maintenance of roads, the beach and boat ramp. When one resident doesn't pay their fair share, the burden falls to their neighbors to pick up the slack. See responses below to common reasons for non-payment.
If you were disappointed in the way GNPCA handled an issue or situation, and now choose to show your dissatisfaction by not paying dues, please reconsider. Remember GNPCA is run by volunteers and is funded by people who voluntarily pay their dues. We try to do our best with limited funds. If you don’t like the way something was handled, please don’t take it out on the community. Be part of the solution— pay your dues and become a member in good standing, and better yet, join the board.
It can be aggravating to pay dues when you know others don’t, yet they still enjoy the community benefits. But, by choosing not to pay your dues, you become the reason why others don’t pay theirs, contributing to a vicious cycle. We cannot let the norm become not paying dues. Please pay your dues and reverse this cycle.
It doesn’t matter which side people were on, or whether you think GNPCA did too much or too little in the conflict. It was 20+ years ago. Time to bury the hatchet. Let’s choose not to make this a McCoy-Hatfield thing. Please leave this unpleasant time in the past (where it belongs) and pay your dues.
True, some people don’t use the beach or boat ramp, and some people may live on Gregg Neck Road, and, thus, don’t need to use the GNPCA roads. But you live in a community, not on an island. The value of your house and the community depends on the roads, beach and boat ramp being maintained. If these things go derelict, you will be impacted negatively regardless of whether you use the beach/boat ramp, or not. Please reconsider.
We believe the dues are low for the benefits received, but if you cannot afford the $125 annual dues, please pay what you can. You will be indicated as a person who made a donation on the website, which will show your support for the community.
I get it --some people may not like the board, or the way it runs GNPCA. That’s okay --reasonable people can differ. But if you don’t like the way GNPCA is run, please pay your dues, become a member in good standing, join the board, and change what you don’t like.
If you simply want nothing to do with GNPCA but still want to support the community, please make a donation. You will be indicated as a person who made a donation on the website, which will show your support for the community regardless of GNPCA.
Dues are NOT voluntary. There is nothing in the GNPCA bylaws that says they’re voluntary. To the contrary, the bylaws make clear that if a member does not pay his/her dues before the spring members meeting, he/she is not a member in good standing and cannot vote. This penalty for not paying dues necessarily means that dues are not voluntary.
Yes, paying dues is your choice. Because there is no deeded obligation to pay GNPCA dues, we cannot file a lien if you choose not to pay. But people seem to think that just because we cannot file a lien for failure to pay, there is no obligation to pay dues. Please think again: just because there are limits in our ability to enforce an obligation does not make the obligation voluntary.
Also please keep in mind that it takes money to maintain the roads, beach, and boat ramp. If you choose not to pay, then your neighbors must take on that extra burden, or the community does without. So please support your community and pay your dues.
Finally, be advised that certain mortgage companies (e.g., FHA, VA, etc.) require an affidavit or letter from GNPCA stating that the property owner is in good standing with the HOA and/or that contracts are in place for the maintenance of the private roads. If you do not pay your dues, we will not provide the letter or affidavit. Thus, while we cannot force people to pay their dues, failure to pay your dues may restrict your ability to sell your house.